Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The World of Harry Potter

Like a great many people I mourned the ending of he HarryPotter series. Hogwarts had begun to feel like a second home and while undeniably a muggle I dreamed of walking those halls and living within JK Rowling's imaginary world forever. Thankfully while most of us just slid the books into our bookcases G. Norman Lippert sat down at his computer and began to wrestle with all the questions that spun in his head. The result is two incredible books "fan fiction" which follow James Potter, Harry's oldest son as the primary character.

The first of these is James Potter & The Hall of Elder's Crossing which addresses the question of how you find your own path with a famous parent and presents a wonderful new adventure within the walls of Hogwarts. The second book I downloaded and read this weekend, James Potter and the Curse of the Gatekeeper. The first book is a delightful easy read. The second digs in deeper on every level moving from something I'd have considered a worthy children's book to a richly varied and very adult book. It brought me to tears, made me laugh, had me on the edge of my seat, and left me with a head full of questions that have me yearning for more.

The third of these books is already in the works and I can hardly wait to read it. In the meantime though I took a little side journey with Mr Lippert to delve deeper into one of the characters, Petra Morganstern. His novella The Girl on the Dock follows this character through some life changing choices dring the summer after graduation. It too left me wanting more.

Great reads all!

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