Monday, February 6, 2012

Catching Up!

Nine feet of snow so far this winter has meant lots of great reasons to curl up with a book and read.  I've been having so much fun I haven't stopped to review so today is cath up time.

The Seduction of Sebastian St. James by Rachel Van Dyken This book made me really appreciate what a different world I live in compared to my counterparts during the Victorian era.  I don't usually expect a romance novel to having me sitting back and contemplating my own life, this one did.  Can you ask more of a book than to be both thought provoking and entertaining? I can actually see this book as a fun discussion book for a book group.

Unearthly by Cynthia Hand This book is considered young adult fiction but I'd have no hesitation recommending it to adults as well.  It's well written and interesting.  Plus remember those awkward teenage moments just can't help but bring on cringing smiles.  Fascinating subject matter. Good enough to have me downloading book two at 3AM rather than going to sleep.

Hallowed by Cynthia Hand Very thought provoking book focused on the ways our choices impact not only ourselves but all those around us. Awesome for a discussion starter with your teens.  The characters in this trilogy grip you quickly and tend to stay on your mind long after you close the book.  I can't wait for book three!

Noble Intentions/Noble Destiny/The Trouble with Harry by Katie MacAlister I discovered these books while searching the names of some of my favorite authors to see if they had new books out.  What a delight to discover a series done before I had discovered this author. All three of the books were laugh out loud funny! Thank you Katie MacAlister for more books for my "go-to" shelf when I need to brighten my day.

Heart of a Knight by Barbara Samuel The title of this book doesn't even begin to cover the full range of the story. It's rare that a book really transports me, this one did.  Page by page I fell deeper in love with the characters and their joys and triumphs brought tears to my eyes.  An excellent read.

Invisible Assassin (The Queen's Blade #3) by TC Southwell Was every bit as good as book one. So much of the material covered, the choices faced by the characters was heart breaking. Where do you find yourself, build a future for yourself when duty and the fate of thousands rests on your shoulders? Will be interesting to see what comes next.

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